Sunday, April 3, 2011

True Love Story - a true story looking for film/literary agent

In 1996 I was out of college for a few years and started work at a brand new mortgage wholesale company. I was the 5th employee. There was a young Vietnamese girl who was the 3rd employee. She was petite and sexy in her tight business skirt. Smart as could be and a little barracuda. She and I made instant best friends and although she was married we flirted and competed against each other. About 6 months later she introduced me to her older sister. Her name was Demi. Part Vietnamese, part Chinese, and part French. She lived in NYC (Brooklyn) and I later learned she was part of the Vietnamese mafia.

We met at a bar with a buddy of mine and her friend. We both sat in the middle of a large booth with her across from me and our respective friends on either side. China doll, but smart. We were both quiet and kind of shy, but we went out for food afterwards with her and her friend and me and my buddy. Drove an hour down south to the beach at 3am drinking the whole way. We made out under a blanket. A mosquito was buzzing around and I tried to kill it. She wouldn't let me and shooed him away. I fell in love instantly.

The next day she slept at my place. She returned from the shower. She was short.. only 5'2" and had pulled my towel that had been hanging on the door. She had to jump to get it back where I had left it. I was gone for her forever.

She went back to Brooklyn. On the fourth of July weekend, my buddy and I drove 22 hours from Houston. Straight through to meet her again. We arrived, went out to some small bars and listened to live music. I did most of the driving and loved driving in NYc. She woke me up in the middle of the night to quietly make love while her friend and my buddy slept on the floor nearby. We returned to Houston after only a day or two with her.

We took a number of trips together... Vegas.. New Orleans. I was one of the ushers at a friend's wedding. We missed the wedding.

She got me involved in a mafia scam once. We went to the mall to launder some money by purchasing a diamond ring. Faking that we were going to get married, we had a fight in the store. A funny anecdote here...

Finally she moved to Houston, with a live-in friend who was trying to be her boyfriend. For whatever reason, she would not allow herself to be with me. With her sister's support I visited, made dinner for her, went to movies, and occasionally she would want to get physical. We only did once or twice. She lived with her sister, her husband, their children, Demi's boyfriend and Demi's son. After some months I finally drove to her house, she packed her bag and left with me.

We bought a house together, rode mountain bikes with her son and me. She is the sexiest mountain biker who has ever ridden single-track in Houston, Texas. I have witnesses who will attest to that.

We fought once in a power struggle. We were in the bathroom and I put my hand on the wall over her head. This scared her physically and she scampered off. A few days later, although the bathroom was very clean, a colony of ants moved into some clean folded white towels right where we had had that fight. She hand carried every single one of those ants outside.

I had no desire or intention to ever cheat on her, but for some reason I started using the internet for online chatting. This went on for only a month or so, but of course Demi noticed. All this time I had been coming home for lunch every day. She and I were starting a mortgage business together so she worked from the home. Friendliest and most beautiful mortgage broker in Houston Texas in 1998 by far. No comparison. She was dingy and a little too organized sometimes, but I was good at follow through and setting her in the right direction. Anyway, I came home one day and half the house was empty. She had printed out every single website I had visited with transcripts of the chats, pictures, etc. The house was covered with thousands of printouts, taped to walls, underneath furniture, in drawers, every square of inch of the house was covered.

Now. We did get back together for a time and almost got married. For reasons outside both our control I moved away and we almost got married again. The only regret I have ever had in my life is not marrying her. For Hollywood, this could and should be a happily ever after story.

Kristin Kreuk is my suggestion for the role of Demi. They are similar in looks and style.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kids' Courtyard

Create a new building for single parents to go back to school. Unique design provides free day care for single parents and the surrounding community. Long term financing is provided by pooling Federal education grants and loans. 100% return within 6 months to investors with the opportunity for 100+ more projects throughout the United States. Initial investment is $1 million (can be a group of investors).

Multiple stories with pools on different levels. Indoor lighting from reflected sunlight on the roof with spotlights for tanning. Nighttime lighting would use the same system, but be artificial of course (perhaps fire). Chutes in the ceilings for kids to drop through into the pool. Study and observation glass windows overlooking each indoor courtyard area (some pools, some would be play areas for different ages). Living spaces on the outside of the building. Kids' Courtyard. There should be enough money for personal chefs in a buffet with hand carved roast beef and omelettes, etc.

Mothers share time watching the kids so plenty of study and play time are available without daycare costs. Kids in the neighborhood would be allowed during the day with possible mothers from outside also assisting in daycare.

The ownership of the building would be held in trust with the children owning the building (all children who played there).

Women would have to sign a contract to obtain at least a masters degree (6 years) and my initial numbers show a 3 generation (18 year) bond would be enough to finance the project with little to no expense to the mothers. Interest rate would be quite low as it would be backed by government-sponsored programs.

Ideally, I'd like to install conveyor belt sidewalks in the school area for getting to classes quickly.

A building for single fathers works with the same exact plan.

Modular sound systems.
State of the art video games.
Centralized computer system for easy upgrades.
Driving simulators with Recaro seats, stick shifts from Audi, BMW, or Ferraris.

Any father with a child can get in the building during the day. Free childcare for fathers in the neighborhood.

Note: No adults in either building (mothers' or fathers' building) of the opposite are allowed at any time.